當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>人類疾病診斷>>埃博拉>> 埃博拉病毒檢測試劑盒(膠體金法)
美國NovaBios 埃博拉病毒檢測試劑盒(膠體金法)
埃博拉(Ebola virus)又譯作伊波拉病毒。是一種十分罕見的病毒,1976年在蘇丹南部和剛果(金)(舊稱扎伊爾)的埃博拉河地區發現它的存在后,引起醫學界的廣泛關注和重視,“埃博拉”由此而得名。是一個用來稱呼一群屬于纖維病毒科埃博拉病毒屬下數種病毒的通用術語。是一種能引起人類和靈長類動物產生埃博拉出血熱的烈性傳染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之間,致死原因主要為中風、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多發性器官衰竭。
埃博拉出血熱(EBHF)是由一種絲狀病毒感染導致的急性出血性、動物源性傳染病。1976年,埃博拉出血熱在非洲的蘇丹和扎伊爾暴發,病死率高達50% ~ 90% 。因該病始發于扎伊爾北部的埃博拉河流,并在該區域嚴重流行,故命名為埃博拉病毒,其形態學、致病性等與馬爾堡病毒相似,但免疫原性有所區別。
埃博拉病毒快速診斷試劑卡 | |
實驗方法 | 膠體金法 |
實驗樣本 | 血清/血漿/全血/唾液 |
靈敏度 | 92% |
特異性 | 99% |
儲存條件 | 4~30℃ |
保質期 | 12個月 |
實驗時間 | 15分鐘 |
對于引入風險的估計,zui核心的問題便是如何通過動態模型或是統計模型將風險量化。這里介紹一種比較直觀簡介的估計方式,首先把引入風險分為相對引入風險(relative import risk)和引入風險(absolute import risk)。不妨假設X為疫情爆發區域的某個機場,而Y則是世界上任意一塊區域,那么我們可以通過條件概率的形式來定義相對引入風險,即P(Y|X)。而對于引入風險我們則可以通過聯合概率來定義,即P(X,Y)=P(Y|X)P(X),這里需要注意的是P(X)往往遠小于P(Y|X),因此P(X,Y)也會遠遠小于P(Y|X)。在實際應用中,相對風險較風險而言更有價值,其主要原因在于P(X)的估計在大部分時間都難以實現,事實上P(X)的估計需要依賴于大量的參數來描述X所在地區的各類因素,而風險的估計卻恰恰依賴于P(X)。與此相反,相對風險的計算則僅僅需要各機場人口流動的數據即可,即無需考慮地區本身的相關因素。
2. 由移動通信數據預測疫情
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
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For the introduction of risk estimates, the core issue is how to quantify the risk through dynamic models or statistical models. Here is a more intuitive introduction to the introduction of the estimation method, first of all into the risk of relative risk and relative risk (absolute import risk). It is assumed that X is an airport in the outbreak area, and Y is any piece of the world, then we can define the relative introduction risk through the conditional probability form, ie P (Y | X). (X, Y) = P (Y | X) P (X), it is important to note that P (X) is often much smaller than P (Y | X) for the absolute introduction of the risk that we can be defined by the joint probability ), So P (X, Y) will be much smaller than P (Y | X). In practice, the relative risk is more valuable than the absolute risk, the main reason is that P (X) estimates are difficult to achieve for most of the time, in fact P (X) estimates need to rely on a large number of parameters to describe X where the various factors, while the absolute risk estimates are dependent on P (X). In contrast, the relative risk calculation requires only the data of the airport's population flows, that is, without regard to the relevant factors of the region itself.
2. Forecast the epidemic by communication data
The outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa has aroused worldwide attention, and there has been a public eye that has attracted attention to the airport and so on. As mentioned in the previous section, the airport data is indeed for epidemiologists and other researchers In terms of a very high analytical value, but in addition, based on the phone data generated by the same great potential.
The user each time using the phone call process will also produce the corresponding call record data, which naturally contains the phone number, talk time and approximate communication location and other important information. For operators, these data can provide a reference for the deployment of base stations to enhance the communication network. On the other hand, for urban planners, it is possible to determine whether the relevant sites need to expand the corresponding public transport facilities based on the data.
However, in addition to these relatively common applications, the epidemiology of the application is more exciting and more exciting. In fact, the usual method of modeling the spread of disease in general is still based on census data and related surveys. However, for communication record data, people can get real-time updated data, that is to say in practical applications do not need to estimate whether a region's population will migrate. Fortunay, in recent years, there is no lack of similar success stories. In 2009, swine flu broke out in Mexico, where researchers used communication data to monitor public response to government health warnings. Since 2010, with the Haiti earthquake outbreak of cholera epidemic, the researchers are also based on communication data modeling and gives the most needed assistance to the optimal estimate of the location.
In the actual operation of the Ebola virus research is more complex, one of the most important reason is that most people in West Africa and no phone or other communications equipment. But nevertheless, to some extent it is still better than statistic analysis based on obsolete data. In fact, if researchers can trace from the outbreak of an infectious disease to the flow of population, then the next most likely outbreak of infectious diseases, there will be a more effective location of the estimates and forecasts, which can be ahead of a reasonable and effective resources Configuration. Unfortunay, although many of the relevant agencies have done a lot of effort, but for privacy and other issues to consider, ecom operators still do not allow researchers to use this part of the data.