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美國NovaBios 埃博拉試紙 埃博拉檢測試紙
埃博拉(Ebola virus)又譯作伊波拉病毒。是一種十分罕見的病毒,1976年在蘇丹南部和剛果(金)(舊稱扎伊爾)的埃博拉河地區發現它的存在后,引起醫學界的廣泛關注和重視,“埃博拉”由此而得名。是一個用來稱呼一群屬于纖維病毒科埃博拉病毒屬下數種病毒的通用術語。是一種能引起人類和靈長類動物產生埃博拉出血熱的烈性傳染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之間,致死原因主要為中風、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多發性器官衰竭。
埃博拉出血熱(EBHF)是由一種絲狀病毒感染導致的急性出血性、動物源性傳染病。1976年,埃博拉出血熱在非洲的蘇丹和扎伊爾暴發,病死率高達50% ~ 90% 。因該病始發于扎伊爾北部的埃博拉河流,并在該區域嚴重流行,故命名為埃博拉病毒,其形態學、致病性等與馬爾堡病毒相似,但免疫原性有所區別。
埃博拉病毒快速診斷試劑卡 | |
實驗方法 | 膠體金法 |
實驗樣本 | 血清/血漿/全血/唾液 |
靈敏度 | 92% |
特異性 | 99% |
儲存條件 | 4~30℃ |
保質期 | 12個月 |
實驗時間 | 15分鐘 |
2014年8月7日,世界衛生組織(World Health Or埃博拉病毒nization,簡稱:who)公布死亡人數為932人,但這可能存在統計遺漏、故意隱瞞等問題。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
According to WHO statistics, this potent infectious disease has no cure and no vaccine, its symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding and bleeding. So far this time the outbreak rate of 56%, but the history of up to 90%.
August 4, 2014, Nigeria's Health Minister Qiu Ku announced that Nigeria has been diagnosed in the second case of Ebola virus infection, the patient is a doctor in the southern city of Lagos. The second case of infection is associated with the first case and is one of two doctors who are treated for the first infection.
On August 6, 2014, Nigerian Minister of Health Qiu Chu announced in Abuja that a nurse in Lagos, a city of southern Nigeria, was diagnosed with an Ebola virus infection. The nurse had taken care of and had been close contact with Siberian officials who had been diagnosed and infected in Lagos, who was confirmed to have died of Ebola haemorrhagic fever on the evening of 5.
On August 7, 2014, the World Health Organization (World Health Or Ebola virus nization, referred to as: who) announced the death toll of 932 people, but this may be a statistical omission, deliberay conceal and other issues.
On 30 July 2014, a woman who returned from Hong Kong to Hong Kong, China, was exposed to an Ebola virus symptom and was isolated. Although the Food and Health Bureau of Hong Kong subsequently stated that the woman's symptoms did not meet the definition of a suspected case, The Hong Kong Department of Health's hotline was knocked out by the public.
On 25 July 2014, a Liberian official, Sawyer, died in a hospital in Nigeria. This event triggered "virus cross-border" concerns. Liberia Treasury adviser Sawyer arrived in Lagos, Nigeria by plane last week. On the plane before he did not appear any symptoms of viral infection, but did not go to the destination began to vomiting, diarrhea.
August 8, 2014, the World Health Organization informed that, as of 6 August, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria reported a total of 1779 cases of Ebola virus cumulative cases, of which 961 deaths
According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce data show that nearly 20,000 Chinese citizens working and living in the Ebola virus epidemic area. 12, the Chinese Business News reporter connected in the Sierra Leone capital near Freetown near the construction site of Mr. Lu, to see how they deal with the Ebola epidemic.
Have the opportunity to still have to return home
Talking about the Ebola epidemic, Mr. Lu told the China Business Daily reporter said: "Since the Ebola virus spread to Sierra Leone, we almost did not have the site, the site has a special person to purchase daily necessities. Not very serious, the most serious epidemic is the Kailahu and Ponlo. Now every day there are many African-American workers to the site to work, everyone every day to live in fear. However, African-American workers will check the body temperature, battalion often disinfection, But we feel that the role is not heard.It is said that the disease is transmitted through the saliva, but we can not avoid contact with them.
Has there been any plans to return home recently? Mr. Lu said: "Air tickets are hard to buy, a ticket is hard to find.Now, Airways and British Airways are grounded, only the Air France and the flight is still flying.Even if you buy tickets, from the company to passport, we are not Will speak English, leave the translation where can not go.We can only watch, have the opportunity to still have to return home.