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美國NovaBios 埃博拉病毒診斷試紙
埃博拉(Ebola virus)又譯作伊波拉病毒。是一種十分罕見的病毒,1976年在蘇丹南部和剛果(金)(舊稱扎伊爾)的埃博拉河地區發現它的存在后,引起醫學界的廣泛關注和重視,“埃博拉”由此而得名。是一個用來稱呼一群屬于纖維病毒科埃博拉病毒屬下數種病毒的通用術語。是一種能引起人類和靈長類動物產生埃博拉出血熱的烈性傳染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之間,致死原因主要為中風、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多發性器官衰竭。
埃博拉出血熱(EBHF)是由一種絲狀病毒感染導致的急性出血性、動物源性傳染病。1976年,埃博拉出血熱在非洲的蘇丹和扎伊爾暴發,病死率高達50% ~ 90% 。因該病始發于扎伊爾北部的埃博拉河流,并在該區域嚴重流行,故命名為埃博拉病毒,其形態學、致病性等與馬爾堡病毒相似,但免疫原性有所區別。
埃博拉病毒快速診斷試劑卡 | |
實驗方法 | 膠體金法 |
實驗樣本 | 血清/血漿/全血/唾液 |
靈敏度 | 92% |
特異性 | 99% |
儲存條件 | 4~30℃ |
保質期 | 12個月 |
實驗時間 | 15分鐘 |
世衛組織發言人格倫·托馬斯(Glenn Thomas)表示,目前世衛組織正在研究證實此次埃博拉疫情是否與上個月發生在烏干達的疫情有關。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
Liberia 2 Ebola virus dead dead corpse
Why is Ebola patients cheating?
"Living dead" phenomenon is a disease caused by the virus. After a few hours of continuous high fever, a patient infected with Ebola virus will be in a coma or fainting state, and this sign is very similar to clinical death, so often considered the patient has died. However, a few hours or a few days later, the patient suddenly wake up, and into a very aggressive state. This ill-concealed patient will bite all the moving objects, including humans and animals. At the same time, this disease will allow patients to secrete large amounts of saliva, and lead to internal bleeding. However, in the eyes of outsiders, this "suddenly resurrected dead" mouth shed blood, eyes become sluggish, has become a "vampire" or "fraud".
Melt the living zombie virus
Ebola virus can cause Bora virus hemorrhagic fever, people suffering from the disease may be killed. It contains several different degrees of symptoms, including Ebola, vomiting, diarrhea, skin color changes, body aches, in vivo bleeding, in vitro bleeding, fever, etc., infected with the same type of virus virus Marburg virus is very similar. With a 50% to 90% lethality, mainly due to stroke, myocardial infarction, hypovolemic shock or multiple organ failure.
Early, Ebola hemorrhagic fever showed headache, mild dizziness and other symptoms similar to the cold, easily misdiagnosed. 3 days before the death of patients with high fever and trembling, persistent vomiting more and more powerful. 1 day before death, the body began to dissolve collagen, subcutaneous tissue melting, skin and human skin stripping, body organs and body surface bleeding, systemic cramps, died in a pool of blood.
Ebola virus belongs to the fourth level of biosafety virus, infection mortality rate of up to 90%, much higher than the SARS virus 10% lethality, the current global market, neither the vaccine nor the special treatment of drugs, therefore, early diagnosis For the epidemic control is very important. The experts believe that the use of "Ebola virus nucleic acid detection reagents," the latest technical means, can be suspected of early infection, early isolation, early treatment, so as to effectively control the spread of the epidemic, to maintain China's public health is very important The meaning of.
The World Health Organization (WHO) on August 21 confirmed that the outbreak of the Ebola haemorrhagic fever epidemic in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo). As of August 19, has led to including three health care workers, including at least nine people were killed.
The World Health Organization points out that there are currently 15 suspected Ebola haemorrhagic fever cases in three regions of the Eastern Province of the Congo (Congo) - Isiro, Pawa and Dungu. There are two to get the answer.
WHO spokeswoman Glenn Thomas said the current WHO is examining whether the Ebola epidemic is related to the outbreak in Uganda last month.
"There were eight people in the Isiro area, including three health care workers and 12 suspected cases; two cases were found in the Bawa area, but no one was killed; one died was found in the Dunhuang area," Thomas said.
At present, the Ministry of Health of the Congo (DRC) has formed a national health task force and has worked with WHO, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Belgium and Switzerland, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to control the epidemic. In addition, similar provincial and district teams have been established throughout the Congo to monitor and guide the response to the epidemic. WHO does not recommend issuing a travel ban for Congo (DRC).