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人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)檢測試劑盒 ,英文名: Human Anti-tissue tranGSlutaminase IgA,tTG-IgA ELISA Kit ,人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)檢測試劑盒規格: 96T/48T ,別名: 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)ELISA試劑盒, 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)ELISA檢測試劑盒, 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)酶聯免疫試劑盒, 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)elisa試劑盒
GDH/GLDH(Human Glutamate dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit 人*脫氫酶 M68634 48T
HHC II (uman heparin cofactor II ) ELISA Kit 人肝素輔因子Ⅱ M68635 48T
CA(Human Cholic acid) ELISA Kit 人膽酸 M68636 48T
Hp-IgG(Human Helicobacter pylori IgG ) ELISA Kit 人幽門螺旋菌IgG M68637 48T
GGT(Human gamma glutamyl transpeptidase) ELISA Kit 人γ谷氨酰轉移酶 M68638 48T
GM(Human Gastric Mucin) ELISA Kit 人胃粘液素 M68639 48T
HABP(Human Hya]uronate binding protein) ELISA Kit 人透明質酸結合蛋白 M68640 48T
NTX(Human cross linked N-opeptide of type I collagen) ELISA Kit 人Ⅰ型膠原N末端肽 M68641 48T
Hp-IgM(Human Helicobacter pylori IgM) ELISA Kit 人幽門螺旋桿菌IgM M68642 48T
CagA(Human Cytotoxin-associated protein) ELISA Kit 人細胞毒素相關蛋白A M68643 48T
GIP(Human gastric inhibitory polypeptide) ELISA Kit 人胃抑素 M68644 48T
GRP(Human gastrin-reliasing peptide) ELISA Kit 人胃泌素釋放多肽 M68645 48T
ProGRP(Human pro-gastrin-releasing peptide) ELISA Kit 人胃泌素釋放肽前體 M68646 48T
HCB II (Human Collagen-like Bioprotein II ) ELISA Kit 人膠原蛋白Ⅱ M68647 48T
Human Secretin ELISA Kit 人促胰液素/胰泌素 M68648 48T
Human Peptide YY ELISA Kit 人多肽YY M68649 48T
GsaR(Human gastrin receptor) ELISA Kit 人促胃液素受體 M68650 48T
CCK-8(Human cholecystokinin octapeptide) ELISA Kit 人膽囊收縮素/縮膽囊素八肽 M68651 96T
TAP(Human trypsinogen activation peptide) ELISA Kit 人*原激活肽 M68652 48T
Alpha1-AGP(Human Alpha1-Acid glycoprotein) ELISA Kit 人α1酸性糖蛋白 M68653 48T
eNOS-3(Human Alpha1-Acid glycoprotein) ELISA Kit 人內皮型一氧化氮合成酶3 M68654 48T
MDA(Human malondialchehyche) ELISA Kit 人丙二醛 M68655 48T
Human Amylin ELISA Kit 人胰淀素 M68656 48T
MTL(Human Motilin) ELISA Kit 人血管活性腸肽 M68657 48T
CCK(Human cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit 人膽囊收縮素/腸促*肽 M68658 48T
P III NP(Human N-terminal procollagen III propeptide) ELISA Kit 人Ⅲ型前膠原肽 M68659 48T
Col II (Human Collagen Type II ) ELISA Kit 人Ⅱ型膠原 M68660 48T
Col I (Human Collagen Type I ) ELISA Kit 人Ⅰ型膠原 M68661 48T
P I CP(Human procollagen III N-terminal peptide) ELISA Kit 人Ⅰ型前膠原羧基端肽 M68662 48T
HA(Human Hyaluronic acid) ELISA Kit 人透明質酸 M68663 96T
Col IV (Human Collagen Type IV ) ELISA KIT 人Ⅳ型膠原 M68664 48T
Col III (Human Collagen Type III ) ELISA KIT 人Ⅲ型膠原 M68665 48T
LN(Human Laminin) ELISA KIT 人層連蛋白/板層素 M68666 48T
FN(Human Fibronectin) ELISA Kit 人纖連蛋白 M68667 48T
Nogo-A Ab(Human anti-Nogo-A antibody) ELISA Kit 人NOGO-A抗體 M68668 48T
tTG-IgA(Human Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA) ELISA kit 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA M68669 48T
Surv(Human anti-Survivin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗存活素抗體/生存蛋白 M68670 48T
GM-CSF Ab(Human anti-Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor antibody) ELISA Kit 人粒細胞巨噬細胞集落刺激因子抗體 M68671 48T
TTN(Human Anti-titin Antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗肌聯蛋白抗體 M68672 48T
PsmAb(Human anti-presynaptic membrane antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗突觸前膜抗體 M68673 48T
AT2R-Ab(Human Angiotensin II Receptor 2 antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體2抗體 M68674 48T
AT II R1(Human angiotension II receptor 1 Antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體1抗體 M68675 48T
ANG- I R(Human angiotension I receptor Antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅰ受體抗體 M68676 48T
OVA sIgG(Human ovalbumin specific IgG) ELISA Kit 人卵清蛋白特異性IgG M68677 48T
CAM-ab(Human anti-calmodulin specific antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗鈣調素特異抗體 M68678 48T
THAA(Human thyroid hormone autoantibodies) ELISA Kit 人甲狀腺非肽激素抗體 M68679 48T
SCA(Human steroid producing cell autoantibody) ELISA Kit 人抗類固醇生成細胞抗體 M68680 48T
GS-ANA(Human granulocyte specific antinuclear antibody) ELISA Kit 人粒細胞特異性抗核抗體 M68681 48T
SRP(Human signal recognization particle antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗信號識別顆粒抗體 M68682 48T
BA(Human Blocking antibody) ELISA Kit 人封閉抗體 M68683 48T
cmDNA(Human anti-cell membrane DNA antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗細胞膜DNA抗體 M68684 48T
ACAST-D IV (Human autoantibodies against the C-terminal domain IV ) ELISA Kit 人抗鈣蛋白酶抑素抗體 M68685 48T
OVA sIgE(Human ovalbumin specific IgE) ELISA Kit 人卵清蛋白特異性IgE M68686 48T
AFA/snoRNP/U3RNP(Human anti-fibrillarin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗核仁纖維蛋白抗體 M68687 48T
SLE(Human systemic lupus erythematosus) ELISA Kit 人系統性紅斑狼瘡 M68688 48T
GM1(Human anti-ganglioside antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗*抗體 M68689 48T
MAG Ab(Human anti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗髓鞘相關糖蛋白抗體 M68690 48T
ANGA(Human anti-neutrophil granules antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒細胞顆粒抗體 M68691 48T
ANA(Human anti-neutrophil antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒細胞抗體 M68692 48T
Apo A1(Human anti-apolipoprotein A1 antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗載脂蛋白抗體A1 M68693 48T
AIRA(Human anti-insulin receptor antibody) 人抗組織轉*酶抗體IgA(tTG-IgA)檢測試劑盒ELISA Kit 人抗胰島素受體抗體 M68694 48T
AGPA/PCA(Human anti-gastric parietal cell antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗胃壁細胞抗體 M68695 48T
ARA(Human anti-gastric parietal cell antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗網硬蛋白抗體 M68696 48T
MCV(Human anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗突變型瓜氨酸波形蛋白抗體 M68697 48T
AMA IgA(Human anti-myelin antibody IgA) ELISA Kit 人抗髓磷脂抗體IgA M68698 48T
MCV(Human anti-myelin antibody IgA) ELISA Kit 人抗突變型瓜氨酸波形蛋白抗體 M68699 48T
AMA IgA(Human anti-myelin antibody IgA) ELISA Kit 人抗髓磷脂抗體IgA M68700 48T
Human anti-parotid duct antibody ELISA Kit 人抗腮腺管抗體 M68701 48T
Human anti-cartilage-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗軟骨抗體 M68702 48T
AhCGAb(Human anti-chorionic gonadotropin-antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗人絨毛膜*抗體 M68703 48T
AhCGAb(Human anti-chorionic gonadotropin-antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗染色體抗體 M68704 48T
ABAb(Human anti-brain tissue antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗腦組織抗體 M68705 48T
AGA(Human anti-gliadin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗麥膠蛋白/麥醇溶蛋白抗體 M68706 48T
APSA(Human Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗磷脂酰*抗體 M68707 48T
TA(Human anti-teichoic acid antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗磷壁酸抗體 M68708 48T
ALA/LCA(Human anti-lymphocytotoxic antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗淋巴細胞毒抗體 M68709 48T
Human anti-macrophage antibody ELISA Kit 人抗巨噬細胞抗體 M68710 48T
TPO-Ab(Human anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗甲狀腺過氧化物酶抗體 M68711 48T
RBC(Human anti-red cell antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗紅細胞抗體 M68712 48T
28S rRNP(Human 28S ribosome RNP antibody) ELISA Kit 人28S抗核糖體抗體 M68713 48T
ANA(Human anti-nucleolus antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗核仁抗體 M68714 48T
gp210(Human Anti-glucoprotein 210) ELISA Kit 人抗核膜糖蛋白210抗體 M68715 48T
LC1(Human anti-liver cytosolantibody type 1) ELISA Kit 人抗肝細胞胞質1型抗體 M68716 48T
ABM-Ab(Human alveoli basement membrane zone antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗肺泡基底膜抗體 M68717 48T
ATG(Human anti-thymocyte globulin) ELISA Kit 人抗胸腺細胞球蛋白 M68718 48T
EBMZ(Human epidermal basement membrane zone) ELISA Kit 人抗表皮細胞基底膜抗體 M68719 48T
ACA(Human anti-centrol and centrosome antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒/中心體抗體 M68720 48T
AAA(Human anti-albumin antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗白蛋白抗體 M68721 48T
PCA-1/Yo(Human purkinje cell autoantibody) ELISA Kit 人抗浦肯野細胞抗體/抗Yo抗體 M68722 48T
Human anti-Sa-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗Sa抗體 M68723 48T
ANNA-2/Ri(Human neuronal nuclear autoantibody) ELISA Kit 人抗神經元核抗體2型/抗Ri抗體 M68724 48T
hnRNP/RA33(Human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein compies/anti-RA33-antibody) ELISA Kit 人異質型核糖核蛋白復合物/抗RA33抗體 M68725 48T
anti-Q-Ab(Human anti-Q fever antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗Q熱抗體 M68726 48T
PM-Scl/PM-1(Human polymyositis-sclerosis antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗多發性肌炎硬皮病抗體 M68727 48T
Human anti-PL7-antibody ELISA Kit 人PL7抗體/抗蘇氨酰tRNA合成酶 M68728 48T
PL12/AlaRS(Human anti-PL12-antibody) ELISA Kit 人PL12抗體/抗丙氨酰tRNA合成酶 M68729 48T
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