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BAT53 integral explosion-proof floodlight
Scope of application:
Explosion-proof floodlight mainly used in explosive gas environment zone 1 or zone 2 hazardous area, II class B or class Ⅱ C and below T4 group explosive dangerous location, in the exchange of 50Hz, rated voltage up to 220V circuit, for drilling derrick, platform and other outdoor lighting in place.
1. 1區、2區危險場所;
Zone 1.1, zone 2 dangerous places;
2. IIA、IIB類爆炸性環境。
2 IIA, IIB group explosive environment.
Product features:
1. 外殼采用ZL102鋁合金壓鑄成型,經高速拋丸清理后表面高壓靜電噴塑。
The 1 shell is made of ZL102 aluminum alloy die-casting molding, high-speed blast cleaning with high-pressure electrostatic plastic-sprayed surface.
2. 耐熱鋼化平面玻璃,不銹鋼外露緊固件。
2 heat resistant tempered flat glass, stainless steel exposed fasteners.
3. 光源腔采用快開啟方式,便于安裝和維護。
The 3 light source cavity by rapidly opening mode, which is convenient for installation and maintenance.
4. 采用桔紋漫反射板,使光線柔和且照射角大。
4 the orange-peel diffuse reflection board, make the light soft and have large range of illumination.
5. 采用雙腔一體式結構,便于現場安裝和維修。
5 double cavity integral structure, convenient installation and repair site.
6. 適合不同角度的照明。
6 suitable for different angles of illumination.
7. 電纜布線。
7 cable wiring.
8. 符合GB3836,IEC60079標準要求。
8 according to GB3836, IEC60079 standards.
Main technical parameters:
1. 防爆標志:Exde IIC T3
1 explosion-proof mark: Exde IIC T3
2. 防護等級:IP65
2 protection grade: IP65
3. 防腐等級:WF1
3 protection grade: WF1
4. 額定電壓:AC220V/50Hz
4 of the rated voltage: AC220V/50Hz
5. 燈座規格:E40
5 socket specifications: E40
6. 配用光源:高壓鈉燈: 250W, 400W
The 6 light source: high pressure sodium lamp: 250W, 400W
i. 金鹵燈: 250W, 400W
I. metal halide lamp: 250W, 400W
7. 電纜規格:Φ10mm – Φ14mm
7 cable specifications: 10mm - Φ 14mm
8. 進線口螺紋:G3/4’’
8 inlet thread: 'G3/4'
產品型號 額定電壓V 額定功率W 燈頭代號 光源種類 防爆標志 防護等級 電纜外徑㎜ 出線口管螺紋G"
The product model V rated voltage rated power W lamp light source code type explosion-proof mark protection grade cable diameter of outlet pipe thread G"
BAT53 220 250 450 E40 Z自鎮汞燈 ExdⅡBT4
BAT53 220250450 E40 Z Exd II BT4 self-ballasted mercury vapor lamp
ExdⅡCT4 IP54 8~14 3/4
Exd CT4 IP54 8 to 14 3/4
250 400 G外鎮汞燈
250400 G outside the town of mercury lamp
175 250 L金屬鹵燈
175250 L metal halide lamp
150 N鈉燈
150 N sodium
85 125 165 無座 W無極燈
85125165 no W electrodeless lamp
防爆泛光燈,BAT53防爆泛光燈,一體式防爆泛光燈 防爆無極燈泛光燈廠家 BAT53系列防爆泛光燈,一體式防爆泛光燈,防爆無極燈泛光燈,樂清一體式防爆泛光燈專業的生產廠家
Explosion-proof floodlights, BAT53 explosion-proof floodlight, integral explosion-proof floodlight lamp explosion-proof electrodeless lamp floodlight lamp manufacturer BAT53 series explosion-proof floodlight, integral explosion-proof floodlight lamp, explosion-proof electrodeless lamp, floodlight, Yueqing integrated explosion-proof floodlight professional manufacturers
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