適用范圍 Application |  | 1區、2區危險場所。 ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境。 注:要求IIC類時注明. Can be used in Zone 1Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA、IIB、IICgroup explosive atmosphere. Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed. | 型號含義 Main implication |  | 產品特點 Features | ■鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑. ◆ The shell is of diecasted AI-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface. ■內裝轉換開關,用于電流60A以下的電氣線 ◆ Inside is mounted conversion switch,used as power swtch to ■路中,作為電源引入開關,并可控制電動機起 controln motor,adjust speed,convet direction in the system of 動、變速、停止、換向等. not more than 60A. ■鋼管或電纜布線均可. ◆ Suitable for steel pipecable. ■符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. |
主要技術參數 Main technical parameters | 產品型號 額定電壓V 額定電流A 防爆標志 電纜外徑¢,mm Type Rated voltage Rated current Ex-mark Cable''s outer diameter CBZK-10/□ 10 CBZK-25/□ 220/380 25 Exde II Bt6 10-14 CBZK-60/□ 60 60 *Exde II Ct6 18-22 | 外形舉例 Outline example |  |
型號 Type A B C D 備注 Remark CBZK-10/□ 132 215 115 98 CBZK-25/□ 185 240 160 130 IIB CBZK-60/□ 224 372 165 | 型號 Type A B C D E F 備注 Remark CBZK-10/□ 153 132 110 - 230 114 CBZK-25/□ 214 190 164 113 360 186 IIC CBZK-60/□ 330 308 210 190 450 176 | |