Have you encountered any of the following issues?
1: there are buildings around the project, no blasting, and how slow is the broken hammer
2: the rocks are too hard to be solved by other splitting rock processes.
3. The splitting force of the other hydraulic fracturing machine is too small and often fails to affect the efficiency.
If you have any of these questions, don't hesitate to choose our big axe splitting machine!
Product introduction:
Yu Mr Axes hydraulic fracturing machines, is composed of hydraulic pump station and splitter of two parts, working principle is: driven by output of ultra-high pressure pump station oil cylinder to produce propulsion, and the machine can be enlarged at predetermined direction split object to be split. Compared with traditional operation, hydraulic splitting machine has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, high operation efficiency, low cost, safety, energy saving and energy saving management. The secondary disintegration of large rock ore is an ideal equipment which can replace the secondary blasting and manual disintegration.
Product features:
Split process without vibration, shock, no noise, no dust, split seconds to complete, stand-alone separatist force of up to 5000 tons, high working efficiency, and can control division, dismantle and split size precision, light weight, simple operation, convenient maintenance available in indoor and narrow area for demolition can be used in underwater construction.
愚公斧液壓劈裂機 ,由液壓泵站和分裂器兩大部分組成,工作原理是:由泵站輸出的超高壓油驅動油缸產生巨大推動力 ,并經機械放大后即可使被分裂物體按預定方向裂開。液壓劈裂機與傳統作業方式相比,具有結構簡單、操作方便、作業效率高、成本低、安全、節能、節能管理等一系列優點。適用于大塊巖礦石的二次解體作業,是一種*可以取代二次爆破和手工解體的理想設備。
分裂過程無振動、無沖擊、無噪音,無粉塵,數秒鐘內完成分裂,單機分裂力可達5000噸 ,工作效率高,可控制分裂、拆除、分裂尺寸精確、重量輕、操作簡單、維護保養方便可在室內和狹窄場地進行拆除工作可用于水下施工。
挖地基破石機劈裂機視頻 挖地基破石機劈裂機視頻