Flash Distribution Tester .
フラッシュ配光テスター(低照度タイプ) Flash Distribution Tester / DEF-9D
●ガイドナンバー 0.1から精度良く測定
Measuring the light distribution of flash light, such as LED.
Precision it is good from guide number 0.1 measurement.
Around for the center, % with Δ indicating light intensity distribution with EV.
被測定物(Measuring object) :LED flash light source and Xenon flash light source
測定點(Measuring point) :9 point
測定範囲(Measuring range)
露光量(Exposure) :0.190~9999lx?s
Gナンバー(Guide number) :0.3~30.0
Fナンバー(F number) :0.3~30.0
AV絞り指數(Aperture value exponent) :-3.37~+10.00
測定距離(Measuring distance) :0.5~5.0m
測定項目(Measuring items)
フィルム感度(ISO) (Film sensitivity(ISO)) :25、50、100、200、400、800、1600、3200、64、160、1000
発光回數(Flash count) :1~30 times(Pre-flash, 0~29 times)
測定レンジ(Measuring range) :Selectable
測定精度(Measuring accuracy) :±0.1EV to central light receptor ⑤
電源(Power supply) :AC100V~120V/200V~240V (50Hz/60Hz)
消費電力(Power consumption) :90VA
外形寸法(Dimentions) :Light receptor :42(W)×63(H)×50(D)mm
Control unit:306(W)×200(H)×300(D)mm
重量(Weight) ::Light receptor : 250g(at one unit)
Control unit:20kg