Test tube for ferrous (ferrous) colorimetric analysis Dolphin Brand Fe-HX-10 Model Iron Content Test Tube is based upon the princi ple of Orthoferroin iron content testing by color comparison(Acidized water sample is put into the test tube to react with the color developing agent to become an orange red solution. And it is then compared with a graded standard color to determine the iron content in the water). It is a kind of water quality test tube which is first manufactured by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry in our country. It has been developed by Daqing, Shengli, Zhongyuan,Xinjiang Oil Fields, etc. and is appraised and approved by the users. This product has higher quality of sensitivity and accuracy. It is an ideal high-speed instrument which is simple and convenient to operate in testing iron content in water of field. Test range: 0-10ppm Production validity: 1 year Package: 30 pieces / box Storage conditions: room temperature, dark storage It needs to be used together with the standard colorimetric tube for iron measurement. | 產品圖片: ![]() ![]() |
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Test tube for ferrous (ferrous) colorimetric analysis 產品信息
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